Thursday, November 4, 2010

Are the Republicans going 2 shut the lights off in the White House? like, I totally, have to make my posting this evening a quick one!

I am so crazy...I work full-time, go to school full-time...have a little side business and guess what, I never have enough time.  I certainly hope my griping won't be a reoccurring situation!

Gripe,'t you totally dislike gripers?

Umm...let's see...what did everyone think about the Elections...are we going to re-elect President Obama in 12?  Personally, I am unsure, sometimes it feels like he is trying to turn America into a welfare state; like who needs a welfare check...I take that back, like, if you could spend that check at Nieman Marcus, Macy's or some one of a kind boutique.  Like, dude, I would totally want a welfare check.

Like, OMG, at first I like totally wanted to shake his hand for putting some cash in my pocket - stimulus money.  Like, your Honorable Dudeness...the ultimate Dude, thank you so much for the cash and then like, when someone explained it to, my girlfriend Diana elaborated - (like OMG, that is so like a MAJOR word - elaborate) anywho, like when she told me...I felt bad for President Obama.

From what I could understand, it was kind of like President Obama was like the "new" dude on the block...and like, you totally know how it is when you're want to be liked by everyone.

So, like, the Pres. gave out all of this money, but, like he REALLy didn't have it to spend.  Kind of like my girlfriend Reese, she always want to be cool, so she maxes out her credit cards...and well that is so totally not a good thing, unlike you have a dad like mines that will pay it off at the end of the month.

And now, LIKE OMG, more problems await him because like Diana told me "the Republicans have taken control of the House", OMG, does that mean they're going to turn the electricity off in the White House for using too much money?

Like, I thought like, the Americans owned that house and we let our President stay there.  Maybe we should like, take up a fund so the lights don't get cut off, it's right before the Holidays.  Like that would be so majorly unkind, he has two really fabo daughters, a dog and a really hot WIFE.  Like that would be so unkind.

I think the Republicans should let him keep the lights on, but, maybe like if they want to save some money they can take his dude.  He could totally use public transportation...Diana said he is REALLY fond of public transportation.  She said he has showered money into public made me was he like throwing money at the program like those rappers throw money at the strippers and video actresses at those videos on BET...I can totally see a Little Wayne moment!

All joking aside, like I still really like President Obama and even though he maxed out his credit limit; actually, Diana told me he can't, 'cause dude like we make the money here in America...who freakin' knew!!!!  He totally didn't have to like get in more debt to hang with us, Americans and be like, the most Popular President...he was already that in my book.  Like, he is just too likable and I totally love his family even more.  They are perfect!  I hope those meanie Republicans don't cut his lights off, he is totally the ultimate DUDE!

Well, my gem of the day is this, I totally think it is symbolic of how Americans view the President....he holds the key to most of our totally sans the Republicans...but, I am convinced  even some of them think he is the coolest!

See below....btw, like this is an original designer too.  Let me know what you think....about anything!!!!

Okay...well, I am going to go for now...I have so much stuff to do and such little time!

Like Ciao Bella B-A-B-Y!  Precisely!!!

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